Red Admiral nectaring on Eryngium planum

Green Hairstreak Butterfly
Callophrys rubi
Green hairstreak on bramble leaf

Essex skipper butterfly
Thymelicus lineola
Essex Skipper perched on grass in soft light

Brown Argus nectaring on Lavender flower buds

British Swallowtail Preening
Papilio machaon britannicus
Norfolk Swallowtail preening its antennae on nettles

Small copper glistening in sunshine

Rimlit Ringlet butterfly

Peacock Butterfly Basking
Inachis io
Young Peacock butterfly absorbing the sun's rays.

Chalkhill blue butterfly basking
Chalkhill blue basking on plant stem

Spot the skipper - landscape

Orange-tip butterfly
Anthocharis cardamines
Male Orange-tip butterfly opening wings

Red Admiral On Heather
Vanessa atalanta
Red Admiral nectaring on heather

Green-veined White Butterfly
Pieris napi
Green-veined white butterfly (female) on burdock

Large Skipper Butterfly
Ochiodes venata
A Large skipper butterfly portrait in black and white

Small Copper Butterfly
Lycaena phlaeas
Small copper butterfly perched on Ragwort

Chalkhill Blue Butterfly
Lysandra coridon
Chalkhill blue butterfly nectaring on small scabious

Common Blue Butterfly
Polyommatus icarus
A female Common Blue butterfly perched on a grass seedhead

Brimstone Butterfly
Gonepteryx rhamni
Brimstone butterfly perched on broad-leaved everlasting pea flower (Lathyrus latifolius)

Large Skipper On Thistle
Ochlodes venata
Large skipper nectaring on creeping thistle

Large Skipper Butterfly
Ochlodes venata
Large skipper perched on reeds

Hesperiidae Butterflies - Essex Skipper
Essex skipper (male) on field scabious

Marsh Fritillary Butterfly
Euphydryas aurinia
Marsh fritillary perching among downland grasses

Grizzled skipper and cobweb

Dingy Skipper Butterfly
Erynnis tages

Ringlet Butterfly
Aphantophus hyperantus
Ringlet butterfly perched on thistle

Vanessid Butterflies - Painted Lady
Painted lady nectaring on pink heather

British Swallowtail Butterfly
Papilio machaon Brittanicus
Norfolk Swallowtail perched on yellow flag iris

Large White female Wings spread with spot showing on English Lavender

Silver-washed Fritillary
Argynnis paphia. A newly emerged Silver-Washed Fritillary butterfly nectaring on bramble flowers at Bedford Purlieus in Cambridgeshire

Small white nectaring on lavender

Small tortoiseshell nectaring on Saw-wort

Meadow brown nectaring on greater knapweed

Green-veined White Butterfly taking off after nectaring on ragged robin

Small copper on water mint flower

Essex Skipper Butterfly
Essex skipper uncurling proboscis

Grayling on bell heather flowers

Meadow brown nectaring on Greater Kanpweed in wildflower meadow

Common Blue Butterfly On Heather
Polyommatus icarus
Common blue butterfly perched on pink ling heather blossom

small skipper in meadow evening light

Large white nectaring on cat's ear flower

Large white nectaring on knapweed

Meadow brown on greater knapweed head on

Rimlit Chalkhill Blue nectaring on Small Scabious

Comma butterfly feeding on blackberry